09 December 2016 | Boards That Deliver, Ram Charan
Asking the right questions is at the heart of good corporate governance. The Ten Questions is a tool that directors can use to identify where further dialogue should be directed.
14 October 2016 | BestPrax Benchmark 2016
Developing future leader amongst the teaching and non-teaching staff for more responsible roles. Fostering leadership skills amongst the students to make them future corporate leaders
14 October 2016 | BestPrax Benchmark 2016
Motivation to continuously deliver better performance year on year is based on good governance practices. Involvement of all stake holders ensures that not only there is commonality of goals but also a higher degree of ownership of decisions and the process.
14 October 2016 | BestPrax Benchmark 2016
Continuous Improvement by plugging the gaps and problem identification. Handholding and developing the weaker staff and rewarding the performers.
14 October 2016 | BestPrax Benchmark 2016
It is important to balance Innovations and continuous improvement as innovations can lead to disruptive growth but may not be possible in all processes all the time so important to continually have incremental improvement by learning from your past experiences. It is also important for optimal use of resources
14 October 2016 | BestPrax Benchmark 2016
The University aims to sensitize the students of all schools towards different sections of the society to make them better citizens.
14 October 2016 | BestPrax Benchmark 2016
The practice acts as a guideline and a yardstick of performance. It forms the basis for strategic planning, gives a clear direction for future growth, helps to prioritize resource allocation, all stake holders work in tandem and are in sync.
14 October 2016 | BestPrax Benchmark 2016
This practice acts as a guideline and a yardstick of performance
14 October 2016 | BestPrax Benchmark 2016
To gain a leadership position and be known for providing quality education, this practice is imperative
12 September 2016 | Ram Charan, Advisor for CEOs and Corporate Directors
Does the board consistently bring dialogue on critical topics to a clear closure, with consensus? Or is dialogue fragmented?
12 November 2013 | BestPrax Benchmark 2013
Based on our values we strive to deliver quality medical care to all patients irrespective of caste or creed, rich or poor and maintain the uniformity and the best standard to all section of the society. This is only achieved through continuous improvement in the process by taking feedbacks, measuring & analyzing the past & present performance.
12 November 2013 | BestPrax Benchmark 2013
The ethics committee gives the organization a multi-disciplinary platform to give expert opinion for complex matters, ensuring ethical behavior of the physicians and other hospital staff and fair treatment to the patients.
12 November 2013 | BestPrax Benchmark 2013
Identifying the non conformance, investigation, counseling, taking suitable disciplinary actions
12 November 2013 | BestPrax Benchmark 2013
To build a better employee and employer relationship.
12 November 2013 | BestPrax Benchmark 2013
Serve With Passion: Hinduja Hospital Rural Health Programme incorporates a specially designed state of the art technology through the Mobile Health Units: one Advanced Mobile Health Unit and several Basic Mobile Health Units.
7 July 2012 | BestPrax Benchmark 2012
Values helps us shape the right culture :something quintessential for a growing company
25 June 2009 | DNA
Employee Cooperation, Initiative, Innovation and Empowerment are the critical pillars that support and strengthen the organizational edifice. Successful organizations grow fast and stand tall through the creation and proper maintenance of a high performance workplace.
06 April 2009 | DNA
Of late, a realization has set in that in order to continue thriving, businesses have to adopt a more holistic and inclusive business model. The triple bottom line (TBL) captures an expanded spectrum of values and criteria for measuring organizational (and societal) success: economic, ecological and social.
06 April 2009 | DNA
Performance measurement, analysis and review are critical steps in an organization’s progress towards its goals and vision. The objective of performance measurement is to steer the company to goal attainment, and enable it to respond to changes in the environment.
20 February 2009 | DNA
Globally, concern for environmental damage by polluting industrial practices has reached a fever pitch. Companies in India still, largely, practice what is called the “end-of-the-step” approach. They need to move beyond recycling to minimization of waste generation. Worldwide, companies are waking up to the fact that the only sustainable path into the future is through embracing the zero emissions doctrine.