2 March 2017 | Qimpro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Solving chronic problems for Quality Improvement is basically a journey from Symptom to Cause to Remedy. The diagnostic journey from symptom to cause requires application of Quality Improvement Tools in multiple combinations.
2 March 2017 | Qimpro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
The current need is Faster, Better, Cheaper, Different. This calls for Continuous Innovation.
Innovative organizations are working to combine the left-brain incremental approach to Continuous Quality Improvement with revolutionary right-brain ideas that will help them surpass their competition in the marketplace.
25 April 2014 | IMC RBNQA
A few common themes or core values underlie many of the items and categories of the IMC RBNQA criteria. This e-Book aims to demystify each of the core values.
Adopting the core values within or without the IMC RBNQA framework will yield results
14 January 2014 | Quality Council of Indiana, USA
50 Quality Terms and Definitions