Problem Solving today is one of the most sought after skills in industry. Effective problem solving requires two sub-skills - structured thinking of a proven methodology; as well as appropriate application of quality improvement and creativity tools. Tangible and intangible results follow with diligent application of both these sub-skills.
This gap between structured and ad hoc Problem Solving gives rise to inefficient processes, colossal waste and an underutilized workforce.

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Problem Solving PRO is a digital course that prepares professionals to solve chronic problems that erode the performance of an organization. It also prepares these professionals to function as effective members of project teams and to disseminate a culture of Problem Solving for Quality Improvement.
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Left Brain Tools
Every great Problem Solver keeps an arsenal of tools handy to wage war against problems and wasteful costs. These are left-brain driven weapons that help create actionable steps towards Problem Solving.
Effective use of Quality Improvement Tools along with a problem solving structured methodology, can deliver breakthrough results in terms of cost efficiency and customer satisfaction. The art lies in using the tools in clever multiple combinations for problem solving. This two-day workshop enables participants to understand the fundamentals of problem solving and the underlying concepts, application and construction of 10 Quality Improvement Tools through appropriate examples.
The workshop includes a half-day multi-tool simulation exercise that provides the participants with practical experience on the application of tools, in a variety of combinations. This workshop has been customized for the manufacturing, service and healthcare sectors.
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Right Brain Tools
A structured approach to Problem Solving focuses primarily (and rightfully so) on the identification of root causes. Most approaches assume that good ideas and solutions will naturally flow once the root causes have been identified.
This does often happen…but what happens when tried (and tired) solutions are the only ideas proposed? How can a situation or problem be redefined to create an entirely fresh approach? That is where organizations see stunning results by integrating Creativity Tools with other tool sets.
Creativity at its most basic level—is the process of generating ideas manifold. Innovation is the process of selecting, combining, refined and turning ideas into reality. Using labs, tools and an infectiously fun atmosphere, this workshop aims to unlock latent reservoirs of ideas and channel them effectively.
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Qimpro Lab for Problem Solving
Organizations have chronic problems. These chronic problems can be unearthed in value creation processes, support processes and supplier processes in manufacturing and non-manufacturing environments. Chronic problems generate wasteful costs, as well as create customer dissatisfaction. This results in significant Cost Of Poor Quality (COPQ) and loss of market share.
Very often the root causes of chronic problems are diagnosed with clinical accuracy. However, the remedies for the root causes either remain unimplemented or are a mystery. It is a fact that the teams that have worked on a problem acquire relevant and significant knowledge. This knowledge is invaluable.
These teams need a catalyst to help them to design practical remedies for solving their chronic problems. They also need facilitation to ideate on “How to address resistance to change?”.
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Problem Solving Masterclass
A masterclass is a coaching class conducted by an expert for a compact group of talented managers. Ideally, it is conducted around a roundtable for 10-12 participants.
For this Problem Solving Masterclass, the mandatory pre-requisite for candidates is experience as a member of a problem solving team.
Proficiency in experiential learning can be an advantage. As also, communication and facilitation skills.
The Problem Solving Masterclass is interactive. It is meant to answer hundreds of questions relating to teaching the subject. More specifically, Problem Solving Rx.
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