Highest Honour

11 March 2004 | Source: The Financial Express
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Dr. Joseph M Juran is a living legend. He is recognised as the world’s foremost quality expert. Since 1945 his life and work have been synonymous with quality management.

There is no parallel to his contribution to the fundamental concepts of quality and management. Perhaps most important, he is recognised as the person who added the managerial dimension to quality broadening it from its statistical origins.

Dr. Juran wrote the standard reference work on quality control, the Quality Control Handbook, followed by his classic Managerial Breakthrough.

The Juran Trilogy®, published in 1986, was identified and accepted worldwide as the basis for quality management. After almost 50 years of research, his trilogy defined three management processes required by all organisations to improve. Quality control, quality improvement and quality planning have become synonymous with Juran.

Instituted in his honour, the Juran Medal was the first award that Juran agreed to lend his name to. Juran has contributed more to the field and over a longer period of time than any other person, and yet, feels he has barely scratched the surface of his subject.

“My job of contributing to the welfare of my fellow man,” writes Juran, “is the great unfinished business.” - Dr. Joseph M Juran, World’s foremost Quality Guru

CREDITS: The Financial Express
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