Benchmarking - Improvement on Steroids

31 December 2018 | Source: Suresh Lulla's Blog
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The Global Benchmarking Congress 2018 was held in Abu Dhabi, from 10 to 12 December. The Congress was organized by the Global Benchmarking Network (GBN), and attracted delegates from Asia, Australia, Europe and America.

As an introduction, the GBN was founded in 1994 by Dr Robert Camp, the Benchmarking Guru. According to Dr Camp, Benchmarking is the search for industry Best Practices that lead to superior performance. The Congress lived up to this clinical definition.

For the past decade, the Benchmarking Torch has been carried by Dr Robin Mann, as Chairman of the GBN. Being an accomplished researcher, he has contributed to the Benchmarking Body Of Knowledge with a structured methodology – TRADE. This methodology has been widely embraced in Asia. With significant results.

For the Congress, Dr Mann invited me to be a Judge for the 6th Global Benchmarking Award. I was in for a major surprise!! The six finalists were:

  • Bahrain Polytechnic
  • Dubai Electricity Water Authority
  • Dubai Courts
  • Dubai Police
  • UAE Road Transport Authority
  • Saudi Aramco.

While each of the six had a customized approach for Benchmarking, the single common feature that struck me was Leadership Commitment to Benchmarking for Best Practices. That commitment was sufficient to trigger right-brain thinking, organization-wide, for innovative solutions.

I guess you are wondering who the Panel of Judges selected for the Global Benchmarking Award. It was the UAE Road Transport Authority. Benchmarking since 2013!!

CREDITS: Suresh Lulla, Founder and Mentor, Qimpro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
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